The good, the dark and the gritty: omegaverse

Blooming cherry blossoms be damned, Japan has been in a rainy mood lately. It’s probably the kind of situation when most people would like to indulge in something uplifting, like a comedy or happy song; but, if you’re anything like me, you prefer to consume media that affirm the rainy season tenfold. That’s sometimes the appeal of sad, dark stories, after all. Which is why this humble purveyor of angst embarked on another exploration through the Renta! catalog, not to find our many cute, sweet, domestic, sexy omegaverse manga, but the stuff that shows people utterly under the thumb of a society governed by biological urges.

Which means of course, here’s a hefty content warning for the most ruthless things omegaverse might offer—if you’re looking for something to scatter the rainclouds rather than darken them, how about Sou’s April Fool’s post?

Continue reading The good, the dark and the gritty: omegaverse

Artist Spotlight: Kaoru Watanabe

Kaoru Watanabe’s work was first introduced to me through my job at Renta!, quite early in my career here. When I was first assigned her I Might Be Your Fan, But I’ll Never Fall For you!, my first impression was that her art is incredibly unique and beautiful, but her characters weren’t necessarily to my tastes. However, after starting to read it, I was hooked—their personalities made me fall in love with her characters, and eventually I came to love both them and the storytelling so much that my own tastes didn’t even matter—or more like, my tastes evolved to include “anything by Kaoru Watanabe.” I’ve now read everything by her that I can get my hands on.

Thus, I want to introduce you all to the BL powerhouse that is Kaoru Watanabe.

Read on Renta!:
I Might Be Your Fan, but I’ll Never Fall for You!
Lovingly Cruel Services

Release List:

If I had to sum up the intense appeal of Kaoru Watanabe’s work in one word, it would simply be: “sensuality.” Her stories have a lot of humor to them, and great pacing and comedic timing. But when it comes to the relationships, it’s truly the push and pull of their feelings and biases and fears and desires that truly makes Kaoru Watanabe’s work. This adds a lot of sensuality to her stories, because things tend to move quite slow between her characters—in their relationships, as well as in the bedroom.

Continue reading Artist Spotlight: Kaoru Watanabe

Happy Twink(ie) Day!: a Discussion of BL Twinks by Two Passionate Twink Enthusiasts

Did you know that April 6th is National Twinkie Day? Well, now you do!! Perhaps only Americans will understand the nostalgic, sickly-sweet sensation that is a Hostess Twinkie (everyone else we tried to explain the iconic junkfood to seemed baffled yet fascinated at the concept).

While many would argue that aside from the hit of dopamine thanks to the intense sugar content of the phallic snack, it has little to offer, I’d disagree — it is rumored to have been partly responsible for the slang term “twink” that is well-known in LGBTQ+ circles, and even mainstream pop culture today. (Why Twinkies, you ask? Well, uhm, you might have to do some of your own research to get to the bottom of that one ドラム)

Because of that association, we decided to use this opportunity to show our love for the twinks that are so prevalent in — and do so much for — Boys Love.

In celebration of twinks, BLog authors and pretty boi connoisseurs Ames and Sou sat down for a nice, long chat (via DM) about twinks in BL. What is a twink? What kinds of twinks are we most drawn to personally? And, what is the appeal of twinks in the broader BL culture?? Read on for our extremely big-brained, candid, and (mostly) unfiltered fujin thoughts.

Conversation timestamps have been kept intact so that you can see for yourself just how much (or how little) time we spent poring over our thoughtful discussion of this dazzling aspect of BLスパーク

Continue reading Happy Twink(ie) Day!: a Discussion of BL Twinks by Two Passionate Twink Enthusiasts

Fuyu Touji’s “Pain, Sweet Pain” and a dive into the Dom/Sub-verse

Read it on Renta!: Pain, Sweet Pain by Fuyu Touji

Japanese title:
Sweet Pain Therapy

ChilChil page

It’s not like I have a particular preference for omegaverse. I don’t really go out of my way to find it. It finds me. That’s how I’ve come to review omegaverse works twice on our sweet BLog. So, I guess, why not also tackle one of its many offshoots, the Dom/Sub-verse? I mean, as an afficionado of the darker stories that romance has to offer, clear-cut dom/sub dynamics aren’t just music to my ears, but the additional element of mind-control is the cherry on top of the fucked-up yet oh-so-delicious cake that this trope could be.

So, considering that I recently discovered Fuyu Touji’s “My Bias is a God!?” (coming on English Renta! soon) I decided to explore the Dom/Sub-verse through their previous work, “Pain, Sweet Pain” which has been in my reading list forever. Just as the title implies, this story is both sweet and painful, so join me if you’re down for that.

Continue reading Fuyu Touji’s “Pain, Sweet Pain” and a dive into the Dom/Sub-verse

Bad Boys in the Heat of Youth: “Heated Love” by Katsura Katsuragi (Review)

Read it on Renta!:
Heated Love by Katsura Katsuragi

Japanese Title:

Author’s Twitter
Author’s Pixiv

Spring is just about ready to, uh… spring here in the northern hemisphere, and Japan loooves the season (minus people with allergies… we feel for you 泣き笑いしている顔); it’s hard not to get caught up in admiring the cherry blossom trees, wanting to try sakura-flavored EVERYTHING at cafes and restaurants, and enjoying the warm weather.

In Japan, springtime is also associated with transition and new beginnings; students begin the new school year in April, and many job transfers occur around the same time, meaning all the hassle and excitement that comes with moving. There’s also a romantic aspect to the season, with many believing that spring is the season of new love and romantic aspirations 桜

Then, of course, there’s the association with youth and all its lush opportunities. There’s a reason “springtime of our youth” is a popular phrase, and the word for “youth” in Japanese, seishun (青春) even contains the kanji for “spring.”

In the spirit of blooming romance and the riveting trials and tribulations of youth, I’d like to introduce a BL manga that wonderfully showcases the beauty of young love — featuring lovestruck schoolboys who just happen to be pure-hearted delinquents! The lovely cover for this story shows exactly what you’re in for — two hot guys making things even hotter together!

Continue reading Bad Boys in the Heat of Youth: “Heated Love” by Katsura Katsuragi (Review)

Prepare for trouble and make it double (and furry): yanase seno’s “Double Beastly Trouble”

Read on Renta!: Double Beastly Trouble by yanase seno

Japanese title: ダブルドッグバディ・Double Dog Buddy

yanase seno’s twitter
doujinshi twitter
all of yanase seno’s works on Renta!

That’s right. We’re talking, once more, about what’s building up to be a masterpiece by author Yanase Seno (stylized in lower case), “Double Beastly Trouble”: the tale of two beast-men joining the military so as to reach the top… and to harass a deeply troubled young man. We’re not too many chapters in so far, be it in Japan or our English release, and yet it’s already sucked me in with its multi-dimensional characters, the developing mysteries around their relationships, and the unassumingly delicate world-building that promises so much more to come.  

If my prior mini-rant on this fantastic story left a lot to be desired, come with me to delve even deeper into this tale of military power struggles and hot, but also adorable nekomimi (‘cat’, in this case, ‘beast-eared’) men.

Below be spoilers, so don’t go rummaging like these two >:0
Continue reading Prepare for trouble and make it double (and furry): yanase seno’s “Double Beastly Trouble”

Artist Spotlight: Toworu Miyata’s Soothing BL Series

Renta! Author tag
Author’s Twitter

We’re in the heart of winter here in Tokyo, and the days are cold and… wet, with little snow but plenty of rain 傘. What with the cloudy skies and frigid air, I think it’s the perfect weather to snuggle up inside with a cup of hot cocoa (or your beverage of choice) and some good BL. My BL tastes lean towards the feel-good and fuzzy-inducing, so anything on the fluffy side would probably be my go-to for days like these.

One BL artist in particular that comes to mind when I think of soft, comforting, and heartwarming BL is Toworu Miyata — a quickly rising star in the BL manga world, some of whose works have just recently become available in English through Animate International. I couldn’t be happier about this, as I’ve been a fan of theirs for a while myself, and I’m sure there are plenty of readers across the world who will adore Miyata-sensei’s cute and touching manga.

Today I’d like to spotlight two of their works — plus a fun bonus chapter — which are now available in English. Hopefully by the end you’ll understand why I think reading Miyata-sensei’s manga feels like drinking a nice, warm cup of cocoa on a cold day. If fluff is your game, you’re in for a treat!

Continue reading Artist Spotlight: Toworu Miyata’s Soothing BL Series

Demons, Beans, and BL

It’s the beginning of February, and you know what this means—it’s the beginning of spring! Uh, wait, no. Or, actually, yes. According to the old lunar calendar in Japan, the 3rd of February (or the 2nd, every four years) marks the separation of Winter and Spring, and is thus called setsubun (節分、”seasonal division”). The next day is officially considered the first day of spring, which is often associated with new beginnings, much as the New Year itself. So Setsubun, as a festival, has a lot to do with cleansing the previous year, to carry on into spring with good fortune.

But there’s also something sinister that happens during this crossing point from one season to the next, and, considering festivals like Walpurgisnacht and such, various cultures seem to agree on this: between seasons, the spirit world approaches our material world, so wandering spirits get too close for comfort. Thus, people had to come up with ways to ward them off.

Setsubun has its origins in the Chinese rituals of tsuina, but it got to its current form during the Muromachi period (1336-1573). Aristocratic households would throw beans into the open air to drive evil spirits out of their home. The practice apparently originates from a legend about a monk on Mt. Kurama, Kyoto (THE hub for a lot of demon legends) that blinded a demon with beans to escape him. The word for bean, “mame” (豆) is pronounced the same way as “demon’s eye” (魔目) and the word is close enough to “mametsu” (魔滅), meaning “destruction of evil”. Hence, the connection between beans and demons.

From the Edo period onward (1603-1867), the practice became a standardized tradition to ward off evil. The ritual is called “mamemaki” (豆まき, bean scattering) and people throw roasted soybeans (fukumame, 福豆, fortune beans) out of the front door. In a somewhat more fun version, the male head of the household will wear an ogre mask and people get to pelt him with beans to drive him out of the house. Either way, people chant “Devils out! Fortune in!” (Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi! 鬼は外! 福は内!) to welcome in good luck, while driving out the ill-intentioned demons. Alternatively, you can join in the festivities at a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple, where the priests will throw beans at attendees; in the bigger venues, celebrities and sumo wrestlers are invited to join in and the events are televised; and, in Kyoto, the festivities also include dances performed by geisha apprentices.

There are other, less known practices, like tying roasted sardine heads to holly sprigs and affixing them to the gate of a house, in order to scare away the demons; or eating a soybean for each year of one’s life, plus one to count in the good luck of the next year; or, you could eat an over-stuffed, long sushi roll in total silence, while facing in the direction determined to be lucky that year (a custom popularized by convenience stores in recent years.)

(Fun fact, in case you’ve encountered this in your Japanese folk/pop culture content: Watanabe no Tsuna, an imperial retainer, is known for slaying a bunch of powerful demons, so families with the surname Watanabe don’t need to practice the ritual, because it’s believed that demons will instinctually stay away from any mention of that name.)

Okay, the bean-pelting is good and all that, but we cannot talk about Setsubun without talking about the protagonists of this auspicious day: oni. They’re a kind of yokai (evil spirit), demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore, their own species of supernatural being in itself. The traditional depiction of oni is as murderous, man-eating monsters hell-bent on causing humans all sorts of trouble, either through trickery or direct violence. In recent years, that depiction seems to have softened somewhat, with folktales about them performing good deeds spreading, as well as their connection to bringing in good fortune.

These horned supernatural creatures have become mainstay figures of Japanese culture, so, of course, they couldn’t be missing from BL! In honor of Setsubun, here are a few works on the Renta! catalog that are all about spicy demon shenanigans:

To Not Be Eaten By The Demon” by Takayuki Sidatsu

After Suoh, a struggling novelist, pawns a tiny box that was a family heirloom, his already poor luck takes a turn for the worse. First he trips, then all the money he got scatters in the wind, then he almost gets hit by a truck only to wake up in a strange old man’s house. Taking pity on him, the old man offers him a place to stay—but it turns out this house holds the same demon who’s been haunting his dream. When Suoh accidentally frees him, the demon Jin is desperate to get his powers back—by “devouring” Suoh’s “lifeforce” AKA drinking his bodily fluids. Thus starts a home life where Suoh is desperately dodging Jin’s attempts to pin him down and jerk him off. However, as Suoh sees more of Jin’s softer side as the demon protects him from all the ghouls lured in my his scent, he finds himself disliking Jin’s advances less and less.

The Demon And The Goblin’s Love Story” by Tengoku

Kurama, a goblin and guardian of the mountain, simply wants to maintain the beauty and peace of his home. One day, he stumbles into the abode of an intimidating gang of demons who have moved to the mountain, and quickly finds out they’re not as scary as they seem. In addition, he is struck by the beauty and kindness of their leader, Hijiri, and falls in love at first sight. But that night, as he’s patrolling the mountain and reveling in the bliss of his newfound crush, he spots his “pure and gorgeous” Hijiri getting railed by another member of his gang. Heartbroken but undeterred, Kurama decides to shoot his shot with the sexy demon, but is Hijiri ready to embrace his feelings…?

(As a personal recommendation note, the demon bottom is basically the BL embodiment of the Big Tiddy Goth GF meme and I cannot get enough of him 赤面くたびれたパーティの翌朝 He wears BLACK NAIL POLISH, I TELL YOU.)

Momotarou’s Brutal Punishment” by Merino

Legendary author of the “Reamed on Livestream” series Merino is back at it again, this time with a new — and very unique — take on the famous Japanese legend of Momotarou, the boy born from a peach. In this BL iteration of the brave children’s story hero, Momotarou is a hedonistic and sadistic playboy who can’t be assed to do much of anything but is extremely horny all the time. Alongside him you’ll also find all the familiar characters from the classic tale, such as Momotarou’s dog, monkey, and pheasant companions, and of course the demons of Demon Island — one of which Momotarou sets his sights on, and proceeds to torture in every kinky way you can imagine. If a tanned tsundere ogre in a tank top and shorts being tied up, humiliated, and ravaged from all directions by the king of DGAF (unless fucking is involved) sounds up your alley, be sure to check it out.

“My Raw Love Life With A Male Demon” by Yusatona

Hot and stylish, this is all about the star-crossed romance between a demon and a human, narrated with tons of sexiness and humor. The Onigami Shrine is dedicated to the worship of demons, who access the physical world through a sacred tree and protect the local human community. Higure, the son of the family tasked with protecting the shrine, is up for a surprise when he turns eighteen, as the sky darkens, thunder booms, and a young demon appears in front of him with a proposal—to make Higure his wife! Well, thing is, Higure does want to get married to Kouen, the demon he had met in childhood and has been in love with ever since, but… not quite the way Kouen had in mind. In an art-style and character designs similar to shonen manga (unsurprisingly, as Yusatona is a huge fan of my own favorite Boku no Hero Academia, if their second Twitter is any proof) , this story is definitely recommended as a first foray into spicy BL; the folklore underlining the plot is an added bonus. All the demons featured are fleshed-out with entertaining personalities, which makes me hope we could see more of them… but the series seems to be at an indefinite hiatus on chapter 3. *sniff* Still, for a quick and easy fix of steamy BL, Yusatona’s human x oni couple’s got you covered.

Links, links, links:
Yusatona’s professional Twitter
Skeb (commission website)

The moon won’t let you feel lonely: a deeper look into Sanayuki Sato’s “The Prefect’s Private Garden”

Read it on Renta!:
The Prefect’s Private Garden by Sanayuki Sato

Japanese Title:
Prefect no Hakoniwa

Sanayuki Sato’s pixiv
Professional Twitter
2nd Twitter

TW: yandere trope as a whole; emotional, physical and sexual abuse

In my endless rant about yandere BL, the manga that I gave the most love to was Sanayuki Sato’s “The Prefect’s Private Garden” which I can describe confidently as a masterclass in how to write yandere angsty romance. I’m biased, because the story includes a bunch of tropes I adore (TsukihitoTsukihitoTsukihi—), but, to borrow wise words from Sou, you know when you find a manga that hits just right?

Since “The Prefect’s Private Garden” was one of two works to hit that perfect spot for me (so far—looking at you, ongoing “The Monster & The Ghost” and “Double Beastly Trouble”), please join me on this rather long rant about a boy raised to see himself as a god that doesn’t understand love and a precious boy determined to fix that.

(Although I’ll try to keep them at a minimum, there will be spoilers…)

Beware of spoilers and dead doves, or Tsukihito will scold you.
Continue reading The moon won’t let you feel lonely: a deeper look into Sanayuki Sato’s “The Prefect’s Private Garden”

Reunion & Inspiration: Sorato’s “Fill in Color”

Read it on Renta!:
Fill in Color by Sorato

Japanese Title:

Sorato Twitter (author)
Sorato Pixiv
comic picn Twitter (publisher)

Next up in our series of reviews spotlighting some of the manga included in our “Stunning Art Sale” is a manga that’s all about art and finding the beauty in life.

Sorato’s Fill in Color is a nice blend of cute and awkward boys, fun dramatic irony, and steamy goodness all wrapped up in some gorgeous art.

Our story opens with Saki (the blonde dude on the cover there), a young man working as a freelance designer, trying to drink his woes away after a disappointing meeting with his latest client. Anyone who’s worked in a creative field where your own personal vision is constantly at the mercy of the demons of capitalism should be able to relate to his struggle 泣き笑いしている顔

On his way home, he runs into a beautiful young man with stunning red hair — stopping him right in his tracks.

Read on to find out how the spontaneous romance between these two develops into something beautiful and meaningful — just like a work of art.

Continue reading Reunion & Inspiration: Sorato’s “Fill in Color”