BL NON-Guilty Pleasures

When the idea of a “guilty pleasures” blog post was floated during one of our BL meetings, I (Ames) was originally not super into it. While the intention was good—creating a space to talk about less-common or accepted niches within the BL sphere—I’m not someone who likes the idea of ‘guiltily’ or ‘ironically’ liking things. (I know, I know—perhaps I’m a bit too serious and sentimental.) In my honest opinion as an ancient BL fan, just enjoying the things you love with your whole ass is most often the way to go.

There’s already so much shame in fan spaces as it is for just enjoying BL on its own, so I’m not so big on adding even more shame by referring to things as “guilty pleasures.” We already agreed this blog would be a positive space for and by BL fans, and I want to uphold that at all costs. So rather than making a post about guilty pleasures, Sou and Alice have shamelessly gone whole-hog talking about the aspects of BL and MLM media they love that maybe gets a little flack sometimes—but who cares? If you love something, love it.

I admittedly wasn’t able to participate in this post this time around, but maybe someday. パーティの翌朝 Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy Sou and Alice baring their “rotten” souls to the world discussing Mpreg, and assholes.

Continue reading BL NON-Guilty Pleasures

Renta! Staff BL Awards 2023

New Years is the perfect time to look back on the last twelve months and think to yourself… “What was the best BL manga I read in 2023?” Best-of lists are common this time of year, so we wanted to get in on the action and make a list of our staff’s favorite BL titles a la Chill Chill’s BL Awards. However, our list is less a ranking of the absolute top popular titles as voted by our users (you can find that by checking the “best sellers” list), and more just us—as a team of BL fans—wanting to celebrate some of our favorite titles that were added to the Renta! site this year. (The 2024 Chill Chill BL Awards should be happening again in march, with people already discussing the nominees, so let’s look forward to that in the coming months!)

Without further ado, the categories are…

Favorite New Series
Favorite Continuing Series
Favorite Seme
Favorite Uke
Favorite Up-And-Coming Author
Amazing Art
Favorite Renta! Title
Favorite Cover
Favorite Couple

To make sure it wasn’t just our main blog team pushing our favs we’ve already talked about at length, we also invited Nan, Agedashi, Anne, and Snow from our Japanese side to share some of their favorite titles they got to work with this year!

For each category there’s a good mix of responses, showing just how varied BL fans are in their tastes. However, in the spirit of not making this post too ridiculously long, we’ll just highlight two or three staff comments for each and then list the rest of the choices below.

Continue reading Renta! Staff BL Awards 2023

On a hunt for “yandere”

Before we start—needless to say, given the nature of this trope, heavy trigger warnings ahead. A lot of disturbing themes are mentioned here, so, if this is not the trope for you, please feel free to skip this one. We hope to see you in the next post!

Additionally, spoilers ahead. A character revealed to be yandere is, in some cases, a spoiler in itself, since they might be introduced as merry-go-lucky angels but be revealed to be yandere in the end. In quite a few visual novels, a yandere reveal is even part of a Bad Ending and a shock to all. So, out there be spoilers.

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Follow the cat: Yuji Toriba’s “Back-Alley Pussycat”

Something that we all dread in the Renta! translation check team is opening the newest task assignment excel file and finding our name next to a full volume (tankobon), because that means more pages to check at once. But, there’s always a chance we might find a gem, and that’s exactly what happened to me when I saw I was assigned to the second volume of “Back-Alley Pussycat” by Yuji Toriba.

I started reading volume 1 and then excitedly moved on to checking vol. 2 because I needed mooore. And, I wasn’t alone in that; readers on Renta! had been thirsting for the second volume for a while and I’m stoked for them that they finally got it.

(By the way, check out our new covers! They’re not up on the site yet, but I couldn’t help but give readers a sneak peek into their new, clean look. Props to the cover designer.)

Continue reading Follow the cat: Yuji Toriba’s “Back-Alley Pussycat”

J.GARDEN: The Eden of BL

J.GARDEN didn’t start until 11AM, but the thing you learn fast with attending events is that you have to get there early. While the staff try to make it fair by holding lottos and raffles to randomize how and when people enter the venue regardless of when you actually show up, etc. you still get there early. There are more than 13 million people living in Tokyo, and even if just a small fraction of them care enough about original BL to want to attend J.GARDEN, you want to up the odds of getting in and getting the books you want as much as you humanly can.

There’s a reason many otaku refer to event days as “war”—you need to go in with a game plan, or you’re going to lose. And Sou and I were already at a rough start, because we’d missed the chance to pick up a pamphlet on pre-order. They’d sold out within the first four days of release, and we hadn’t been given the okay to attend until the fifth day. So we were kind of screwed. Nonetheless, we did what we could with what we had—which was Twitter’s #J庭54 hashtag, the official J.GARDEN site, and tons of passion for BL—and decided we’d torture ourselves getting up at 5AM day-of, come down early, get a pamphlet, and do our best to plan in the time between obtaining it and when doors opened.

Continue reading J.GARDEN: The Eden of BL