Citrus Con 2023: A Zesty Celebration of All Things BL

In the age of the internet, it’s easier than ever to connect with people who share the same interests as you — you can collectively squeal over your favorite series on social media, share your fanwork creations with other fans, and stream video and gaming to share real-time reactions. However, there’s still something to be said about the unique atmosphere of a convention, where people travel from all over just to revel in their shared love of a certain thing.

This past weekend, I attended the very first Citrus Con — a weekend-long BL-centered event that combines the convenience of online interaction with the sense of close community provided by good old-fashioned fan conventions.

Read on to get a taste of the juicy festivities!

Continue reading Citrus Con 2023: A Zesty Celebration of All Things BL

Anime Expo 2023: Industry Noob Edition

When I was suddenly asked in late May to attend AX as a representative of Renta!, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The last American anime convention I attended was in the early 2000s, and in Iowa, which is quite a ways from Los Angeles. I remembered being younger and hearing all the fanfare, seeing all my online friends from Cali attending, and dreaming that someday I’d be going to such a huge con—little old me, from the midwestern United States. And now here I was, being made that offer, from my office in Japan.

I’d never been to such a huge convention—even in Japan I’ve never been to Comiket, instead opting to attend the smaller events scattered through the year like HaruComi and Comic City. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Granted, I would also be attending as an industry insider rather than a fan, which is also a very different experience.

Continue reading Anime Expo 2023: Industry Noob Edition