The good, the dark and the gritty: omegaverse

Blooming cherry blossoms be damned, Japan has been in a rainy mood lately. It’s probably the kind of situation when most people would like to indulge in something uplifting, like a comedy or happy song; but, if you’re anything like me, you prefer to consume media that affirm the rainy season tenfold. That’s sometimes the appeal of sad, dark stories, after all. Which is why this humble purveyor of angst embarked on another exploration through the Renta! catalog, not to find our many cute, sweet, domestic, sexy omegaverse manga, but the stuff that shows people utterly under the thumb of a society governed by biological urges.

Which means of course, here’s a hefty content warning for the most ruthless things omegaverse might offer—if you’re looking for something to scatter the rainclouds rather than darken them, how about Sou’s April Fool’s post?

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BL Event Report!: ChillChill Festival 2024

On April 6th, Sou and I had the honor of attending two separate talks at ChillChill Festival! What is ChillChill Festival? What did the talks entail? And why the heck were we able to go? Read on and you’ll find out! Morning after party

On a Friday in mid-March, our coworker Snow (also a participant in the Renta! Staff BL Awards 2023) suddenly approached me after the weekly company-wide meeting and asked if I’d heard of “ChillChill Festival.” Spurred on by my confused post-hour-long-meeting look, she brought up the event page and told me tickets were available through work, since our main Japanese branch is a sponsor of the ChillChill BL Awards. We were allowed to pick two talks, and attend them with one friend if we so desired.

While I would have loved to bring my friend Merry (interviewed on the BLog here), she was unable to come. So, I was thinking I’d go alone—until I brought it up with Sou. Since they’re also a huge fan of Kishimoto-sensei (we discuss her adorable tweets regularly), they said they’d be interested in coming with. Thus, I requested two tickets each for “Discussing the Frontlines of BL Trends” (BLトレンド最前線を語る) featuring Kishimoto, Satou Sugar, and Teku Rin, and “BL Fetishism in the Reiwa Era” (令和のBLフェティシズム) featuring Okita Yuuho, Nikuya Inui, bov, and Yukiharu.

However, before we go into the day of the actual event, let’s discuss ChillChill, and the history of ChillChill Festival!

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A love-letter to fanfic

Fanfiction. Fanart. Fan-works. Fandoms.

A great deal of discussion has been carried out over the cringe-ness and the legitimacy of fan creations, with many voicing discontent. Admittedly, that’s partly why writing this was kinda difficult, since I wasn’t sure what sort of feelings to pour into this; but eventually, I decided I wanted this to be a love-letter to the fans that comprise fandoms and keep the excitement for stories alive through their non-profitable, for-the-love-of-the-game work.

This is especially true when it comes to manga and BL, of course.

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Artist Spotlight: Kaoru Watanabe

Kaoru Watanabe’s work was first introduced to me through my job at Renta!, quite early in my career here. When I was first assigned her I Might Be Your Fan, But I’ll Never Fall For you!, my first impression was that her art is incredibly unique and beautiful, but her characters weren’t necessarily to my tastes. However, after starting to read it, I was hooked—their personalities made me fall in love with her characters, and eventually I came to love both them and the storytelling so much that my own tastes didn’t even matter—or more like, my tastes evolved to include “anything by Kaoru Watanabe.” I’ve now read everything by her that I can get my hands on.

Thus, I want to introduce you all to the BL powerhouse that is Kaoru Watanabe.

Read on Renta!:
I Might Be Your Fan, but I’ll Never Fall for You!
Lovingly Cruel Services

Release List:

If I had to sum up the intense appeal of Kaoru Watanabe’s work in one word, it would simply be: “sensuality.” Her stories have a lot of humor to them, and great pacing and comedic timing. But when it comes to the relationships, it’s truly the push and pull of their feelings and biases and fears and desires that truly makes Kaoru Watanabe’s work. This adds a lot of sensuality to her stories, because things tend to move quite slow between her characters—in their relationships, as well as in the bedroom.

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Happy Twink(ie) Day!: a Discussion of BL Twinks by Two Passionate Twink Enthusiasts

Did you know that April 6th is National Twinkie Day? Well, now you do!! Perhaps only Americans will understand the nostalgic, sickly-sweet sensation that is a Hostess Twinkie (everyone else we tried to explain the iconic junkfood to seemed baffled yet fascinated at the concept).

While many would argue that aside from the hit of dopamine thanks to the intense sugar content of the phallic snack, it has little to offer, I’d disagree — it is rumored to have been partly responsible for the slang term “twink” that is well-known in LGBTQ+ circles, and even mainstream pop culture today. (Why Twinkies, you ask? Well, uhm, you might have to do some of your own research to get to the bottom of that one ドラム)

Because of that association, we decided to use this opportunity to show our love for the twinks that are so prevalent in — and do so much for — Boys Love.

In celebration of twinks, BLog authors and pretty boi connoisseurs Ames and Sou sat down for a nice, long chat (via DM) about twinks in BL. What is a twink? What kinds of twinks are we most drawn to personally? And, what is the appeal of twinks in the broader BL culture?? Read on for our extremely big-brained, candid, and (mostly) unfiltered fujin thoughts.

Conversation timestamps have been kept intact so that you can see for yourself just how much (or how little) time we spent poring over our thoughtful discussion of this dazzling aspect of BLスパーク

Continue reading “Happy Twink(ie) Day!: a Discussion of BL Twinks by Two Passionate Twink Enthusiasts”

World’s First “Yaoi Cruise” to Set Sail Spring 2025

Get your yaoi paddles ready, because you’re in for the seaborne adventure of your life やったね

Have you ever wanted to get away from it all and enjoy a relaxing and luxurious vacation… where you can revel in all forms of BL media in a judgment-free zone, surrounded by other fans? Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?

Well, starting next year, Bophades Cruises is making the dream come true with the world’s first ever “yaoi cruise” — an all-inclusive vacation plan catering to BL fans from all over the world.

This 14-day cruise will stop at 3 countries, giving passengers the chance to explore several IRL locations that have played a significant role in the yaoisphere. Each of the selected spots is guaranteed to have wonderful sightseeing and shopping opportunities.

No, no THAT kind of bingo! Unless…? 赤面 (Also, please read Nipple Bingo パーティの翌朝)

There will also be exclusive fan events with special guests — including star talent and creators from the BL world — such as special talks and autograph sessions.

And, the cruise ship itself? Extravagance incarnate.

When you’re not chilling your luxury suite or enjoying the gourmet buffet and open bar, there’ll be plenty to keep yourself occupied with at all hours of the day — including a massive BL manga library, karaoke rooms, BL anime screenings in state-of-the-art theater rooms, a cosplay masquerade ball, bingo (with fabulous prizes!), and more!

If all this sounds too good to be true and you wanna know how on earth it came to be — or, if it sounds like another 火 Festival in the making and you’re asking, “Why??” — you’ll want to keep reading, because Renta! BLog has the full scoop — along with a special chance for you to win FREE tickets!

All aboard the S.S.B.L.!!!

Continue reading “World’s First “Yaoi Cruise” to Set Sail Spring 2025″