A Safe Space to Heal: Sakana Tojo’s “Sweet Apartment in Paradise”

Read on Renta!:
Sweet Apartment in Paradise by Sakana Tojo

Japanese title:
Rakuensei Sweet Room

Sakana Tojo Twitter
Junet (Publisher) Twitter

As I’ve probably made very clear from past blog posts, I’m a massive fan of Sakana Tojo. I’ve already written an artist introduction for her, and also review her works whenever I’m given the chance. There’s something about her manga that slots so perfectly into my preferences—whether it’s the art or character designs or their personalities and relationships, or just the VIBE of her stories. To me, they’re the perfect after-work (or, in this case, during work…) comfort of something simple, sweet, sexy, and cute.

This story is actually a slight step away from many of Sakana Tojo’s previous works, but I’d argue it still holds onto her characteristic sensuality and softness. Sweet Apartment in Paradise follows the story of Sui, a beautiful young man sold off to an “owner” at a young age, and the “Demon” who saves him. The “Demon”—later given the name “Angel” by Sui—is an assassin who hunts evil, bad men. In this world, the human trade is allowed and accepted so long as those who’re bought are treated with dignity and respect. However, there are many horrible people—often very powerful and wealthy men—who exploit this system and treat those they buy as objects for their own satisfaction. Sui’s previous owner, who he called “father,” was one such man. He bought Sui to be used for sex, dressing him up in strange costumes, drugging him to stunt his body’s development, training him to only respond to sexual advances, convincing him his only worth is in how well he can provide pleasure, and hiding him away from the world.

When Angel saves Sui, he’s surprised by just how traumatized the boy is. He’s used to seeing the horrifying results of human trafficking, but something about Sui touches him enough that he offers to home Sui to see him through his recovery. He teaches Sui how to do things on his own and creates a comfortable space for Sui to grow and heal—marking every “safe” thing in the apartment with little bunny doodles (Sui’s favorite animal) to make sure Sui’s trauma doesn’t get severely triggered. He replaces Sui’s shackles with cute accessories, and offers Sui the warmth of his body to show human affection doesn’t always need to be sexual or transactional.

Continue reading “A Safe Space to Heal: Sakana Tojo’s “Sweet Apartment in Paradise””

Beast Week Day 3: Embrace the Succubussy

I’ve already spoken about Sakana Tojo at length, but when given the opportunity to write a review for “Baby, Sugar, Succubus” (ベイビー、シュガー、サキュバス) I’m obviously going to take it. You just have to check my artist spotlight to know how I feel about their work, and this title is no exception.

Baby, Sugar, Succubus is the story of nearing-30 restaurant owner Arata whose dick is Just Too Big. He’s a nice guy with a heart as big as his junk, but no girls are willing to get serious with him because they fear his monster schlong. (Maybe that’s the real beast in this Beast Week article…) An attempted blowjob, a handy here or there, but actual loving, romantic love making? Nah man, it’s Just Too Big.

Enter sweet, gentle succubus Shinya, who passes out in front of Arata’s shop one night because he’s absolutely starving. Arata makes him a nice meal, but what he doesn’t realize is Shinya doesn’t need food as sustenance, but semen. “Please, sir, can I have some cum?” Shinya asks (not really… kinda…), and while Arata has never been interested in other guys before, he can’t help but be drawn in by Shinya’s kuudere cuteness and the fact that this is the first person who’s seen his dick without flinching away in fear and disgust. “Is it the fact that you’re a succubus, or just the fact that you’re you?” Arata can’t help but wonder, in awe of how attractive he finds Shinya.

What follows is the most astoundingly cute, raunchy, amaero manga known to mankind, with Arata and Shinya quickly falling more and more in love while also being able to accept the parts of themselves—for Arata it’s his giant dick, and for Shinya it’s his succubus nature—they never thought possible. They can’t keep their hands off each other, constantly whispering sweet nothings and annoying all of the people around them with their flirting and making out.

Plus, it has a really fun twist on the whole succubus trope, with it just being accepted in this world that their are “variants” to humans and Shinya just happens to be one of those. The beautiful ethereal shine he gets to his eyes after feeding is so unbelievably cute (all those sparkles! how is this a porno manga!?), and I can very much understand Arata wanting to treasure and protect Shinya for all eternity. Overall, 100000/10. If you’re in the mood for a super sweet and sexy romp with the horniest type of beast, definitely check this (and Sakana Tojo’s many other manga) out!

Artist Spotlight: Sakana Tojo

I’m sure everyone else has them, too: artists we would ride or die for. If someone insults them, we will defend them with our dying breath. We gaze lovingly at their art as if it’s a masterpiece in the Louvre, taking in every single detail from all angles. We follow and purchase every single thing they release, read every social media post by or about them, and have read every book multiple times. Well, that’s how I feel about Sakana Tojo.

Sakana Tojo / Sakana Toujou
Twitter: @diabolism_st
Portfolio: click

Available on Renta!:
My Lovely Bunny (星のうさぎ)
Love At First Bite (君と美味しい愛のコトノハ)
Baby, Sugar, Succubus (ベイビー、シュガー、サキュバス)
My Cat And My Bed (猫とベッド)
Endless After-School Honey (ホウカゴ・エンドレスハニー)

Sakana Tojo specializes in very fluffy, sweet, intense smut. A majority of her BL are released through Junet, a publishing line that caters to the more ero rather than story oriented side of the genre. She started out as an ero manga artist, and still does illustrations for various types of manga, light novels, etc.

Continue reading “Artist Spotlight: Sakana Tojo”